6 ways to use positive reinforcement for students

6 ways to use positive reinforcement for students

6 ways to use positive reinforcement for students

As teachers, we all want our students to make good choices and engage in positive behavior. But, let’s face it, getting students to do the right thing can sometimes be a challenge. So, how can we encourage our students to make the right choices and engage in positive behavior? The answer is simple: positive reinforcement for students.

Positive reinforcement for students is a powerful tool that can be used to shape student behavior and encourage good choices. It involves rewarding desired behaviors with positive attention, recognition, or tangible rewards. When students receive positive reinforcement for their good behavior, they are more likely to repeat that behavior in the future.

So grab a coffee, sit back and relax while I give you 6 ways you can use positive reinforcement for students in your classroom to encourage good behavior.

positive reinforcement for students

Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘6 ways to use positive reinforcement for students’, may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here. common teacher fearsNew Science Teacher Advice

This blog post is written in two parts, the first by Katrina Harte, The Animated Teacher, and the second by guest blog writer Rachel Peach.

6 ways to use positive reinforcement for students

1. Verbal praise

Verbal praise is one of the simplest and most effective forms of positive reinforcement for students.

Simply acknowledging and complimenting students for their good behavior can go a long way in shaping their behavior. This is particularly true for students whose love language is words of affirmation. Read more about student ‘love languages’ here.

2. Classroom rewards

You can establish a system of rewards for positive behavior, such as a prize box or a special privilege. For example, students who exhibit good behavior throughout the week might earn the privilege of sitting in a special chair or getting a special treat.

3. Public recognition

Public recognition, such as posting student work or announcing a student’s name in front of the class, can be a powerful form of positive reinforcement. It gives students a sense of pride and can be a great motivator for good behavior.

4. Written praise

Written praise, such as a note or a certificate, can be a tangible form of positive reinforcement for students that they can keep and look back on later. It can also be a great motivator for good behavior.

5. Personalized reinforcement

Personalized reinforcement, such as a one-on-one conversation or a special activity, can be a powerful form of positive reinforcement for students. It shows them that you are taking the time to recognize their individual efforts and achievements.

6. Group rewards

Group rewards, such as a class party or a field trip, can be a powerful form of positive reinforcement for students.

It gives them a sense of pride and camaraderie and encourages good behavior through peer pressure.

While I wouldn’t usually promote peer pressure, what you will actually observe is students holding each other accountable for their actions. This is often more powerful than a teacher holding a student accountable as their peers generally hold a lot more weight.


It’s important to note that positive reinforcement should not be used as a bribe or a threat. When used properly, positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping student behavior and encouraging good choices. However, when used as a bribe or a threat, it can have negative consequences and can actually decrease desired behavior.


BUT WAIT! There’s more!

Here are some super helpful thoughts on how to encourage students to do the right thing by my very gifted colleague, Rachel Peach.


Just do the right thing!

By Rachel Peach

Three students drifted in late to class. Issue some demerits.

Bringing History books to Science. A reminder about organisation.

Laptops not charged … again. A couple more demerits.

Students gazing out of the window. A 5 minute lecture on the importance of focus.

Random talk about the weekend. Redirect. Random talk. Redirect. Random talking again.


Why don’t students just do the right thing?

Why does anybody do the right thing?


Motivation is a complex topic which, put simply, can be described as either intrinsic or extrinsic.

The intrinsically motivated student finds joy in learning, may strive towards mastering a goal with more persistence, is likely to experience a state of flow and needs less teacher prodding.

Intrinsic motivation tends to foster creativity and critical thinking with students continuing to noodle problems outside the classroom. Students who experience success are likely to have enhanced motivation.

Shift your practice to reward students doing the right thing. This honours students who sometimes slip under the radar whilst highlighting great learning behaviours which is something we should be noticing and celebrating. 

The trick is to do positive reinforcement for students spontaneously and unexpectedly. 


For example

  • Give rewards to students who turn up on time after recess.
  • Introduce your first lesson activity, take the roll, then walk around the room giving rewards to students who have started on their learning activity. 
  • Listen to group talk and give rewards for students talking on task.

Announcing your rewards ahead of time makes them extrinsic motivators.

Unexpected rewards for appropriate learning behaviours nudges students towards new habits and might reinforce intrinsic motivation drivers in students over time.

This is one more mechanism we can use to help students become great learners so let’s reward students who show great learning behaviours.



In conclusion, positive reinforcement for students is a powerful tool that can be used to encourage good behavior.

By rewarding desired behaviors with positive attention, recognition, or tangible rewards, we can shape student behavior and make it more likely that they will engage in positive behavior in the future.

So, the next time you’re trying to get your students to do the right thing, try using positive reinforcement for students to encourage good behavior.

You might just be surprised at the results!

Make sure you join my email list for top tips, free resources and classroom ideas. 

common teacher fears

New Science Teacher Advice

the animated teacher

Written by Katrina

Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.

The second half of this blog post was guest written by a highly regarded colleague of mine, Rachel Peach. Rachel has been an overly-enthusiastic Science teacher for more than 25 years and has taught in London, Amsterdam and Sydney. Her passion for Biology started as a child exploring her grandparents’ farm and beach-combing with her family.

Now she specialises in facilitating differentiated, engaging and authentic learning programs for all students. Rachel is an expert mentor with the Modern Classroom Project and is the Assistant Learning Leader in the Science Faculty of a K-12 Independent school in Sydney. When she is not thinking and talking about pedagogy, you can find Rachel walking with her dog and daughters in the Australian bush.


5 easy ways to spice up a lesson

5 easy ways to spice up a lesson

5 easy ways to spice up a lesson

As a teacher, it’s difficult to always keep your students engaged and interested in what you’re teaching.

But don’t worry! I’ve got your back.

Here are 5 of my best and easiest ways to spice up a lesson (that doesn’t dramatically increase your workload!)

So grab a coffee, find a comfy chair, relax and get ready for some spicy lessons!

easy ways to spice up a lesson

Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘5 easy ways to spice up a lesson’, may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here.

5 easy ways to spice up a lesson

1. Take it Outside

Get your students up and out of their seats by taking your lesson outside. A change of scenery can help break up the monotony of the classroom and add a new level of excitement to the lesson. 

This doesn’t need to be for any particular reason. 

Got some worksheets for students to do? Get them to complete them outside. That’s it.

Apart from being a great way to spice up a lesson, is also one of my fave ways to differentiate. It allows students to sit or stand or lie down in a way that works for them. It also allows students to group together, pair up or isolate for quiet time. 

If you want to go the extra mile you could turn your lesson into a scavenger hunt, but honestly just taking your class outside is enough.

Some tips:

  • Set strict rules before hand with the warning that if they don’t behave appropriately or don’t take their work seriously you will bring them back inside.
  • This doesn’t have to go for the entire lesson. Even just a 20 minute section of the lesson could be done outside.
  • Make sure you let your admin know if you are planning to do this in case of an emergency or the need for a student to be contacted by the office.
  • Consider other classes, the weather, and seating options. 

2. Incorporate a Fun Brain Break

Brain breaks are a great way to spice up a lesson. They give your students a mental break which allows them to re-focus and continue learning. 

Incorporating a fun activity that has a competitive edge like bottle flipping, or rock, paper, scissors, can re-energise students and help them be ready to dive back into the lesson.

Here are 23 of my favorite brain break ideas for middle school.

brain break ideas for middle school

3. Turn it into Stations

Adding movement and choice are great components when you are looking to spice up a lesson. Turning your lesson into stations is a great way to get your students up and moving while still teaching them important concepts. 

You can set up stations around the room and have students rotate through each station, working on different aspects of the lesson. 

This allows students to work at their own pace and can make the lesson feel more interactive and hands-on.

Again, this doesn’t need to involve heaps of extra preparation for you. Instead of having the class work linearly through the different activities you already had planned, split them up into stations around the room. 

4. Make it a Competition

Adding a competitive element to your lesson can be a great way to get your students motivated and engaged. 

Whether it’s a friendly competition between groups or a class-wide contest, giving students a reason to work hard and try their best can add a new level of excitement to the lesson. 

I often do this while watching an educational video. I split my class into teams, and while watching students write questions (and answers) from the video. We then go around and each group can ask the class a question. The group that answers first correctly gets a point and if no one can answer it then the team that asked it get a point.

This works particularly well to spice up a lesson for videos that are more than 10 mins long. 

Don’t forget to add some incentive, like a prize or lollies, to keep your students motivated.

    5. Add Some Fun Tools

    Adding fun tools to your lesson can help keep your students engaged and make the lesson more interactive. 

    Buzzers, dice, or mini whiteboards, can be used to create hands-on and interactive lessons. Even something more simple like incorporating post-it notes is enough to spice up a lesson.

    Incorporating these fun tools can help keep your students interested and engaged, even when the subject matter is challenging.


    In conclusion, incorporating these five simple tips into your lessons can help make your lessons more engaging and interesting for your students. 

    From taking the lesson outside to adding fun tools, there are many ways to add a new level of excitement to your lessons. So don’t be afraid to get creative and try something new!

    If you’re still in doubt, try to add movement, change the environment, or try something new and out of the ordinary.

    Do you have a way you like to spice up a lesson?

    Please comment below!

    the animated teacher photo logo

    Written by Katrina

    Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.

    Easy lunch ideas for teachers


    5 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

    5 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

    5 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

    Have you got a New Years Resolution as a teacher? Do you have a plan for how to actually make it happen?

    In this blog post I am going to talk about some common New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers and how you can put some helpful strategies in place to help you stay consistent and keep your New Years Resolution all year.

    best new year's resolutions for teachers

    Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘5 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers’, may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here.

    5 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

      New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers #1:

      Be more organised

      If you are anything like me then you start the year off really well… but then as the term goes on your clean desk, organised materials and tidy classroom become a mess. 

      But! This is a great New Years Resolution to have! Having an organised space and keeping your tasks in order will give you more headspace, help you to feel calmer and help you to keep on top of your workload (which we know is going to be massive).

      So how do you do it?

      Being organised is all about having a consistent routine. Here are some steps to take each day to keep yourself on track:

          • Tidy your desk daily
          • Use labels on folders, cupboards, drawers etc
          • Use a diary or teacher planner and write in it / check it every day
          • Use a to-do list and number in order of importance / deadline
          • Look through your school calendar and make note of important dates, assessments, excursions etc
          • If you are scheduled to write an assessment task, put a note in your diary a few weeks before as a reminder
          • Decide on a time of day that you will check your emails and stick to it


        New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers #2:

        Take less work home

        An occupational hazard for teachers is the amount of work that is often taken home. It can be hard to leave work at work so that you can relax when you get home. Often if you do manage to do this then you feel more stressed about not having brought it home with you! 

        I get it. But there are ways to combat or at least reduce the amount of work you take home.

        Here are my tips:

            • Set less homework that requires marking
            • Use peer-marking or self-marking during class time
            • Utilise templates to save time
            • Use resources that already have teacher answers provided
            • Buy no-prep resources when you are short on time

        You may like to check out my blog post ‘49 time-saving hacks for teachers’.

        New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

        lesson intro slides free
        meet the teacher handout template

        New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers #3:

        Try new things in the classroom

        It can be a daunting task to try a new idea, activity or set up for your classroom. But I admire those who set it as a goal! 

        Whether you already have an idea in mind of what you want to try, or you don’t really care as long as you try something new, here are a few things to consider to help you along the way:

            • Chat with colleagues who might have tried it themselves. They can help you get organised or to know what sort of things to think about during the planning process.
            • Don’t be too hard on yourself – don’t expect it to go perfectly the first time
            • Don’t jump in too deep – set yourself a realistic goal. For example, say you wanted to try embedding Flipped learning into your classroom. Trying to film all the videos yourself and doing them for every lesson is a sure way to burn yourself out. Instead try doing one a week and see how it goes.
            • Don’t try everything at once. If you are wanting to try more than one new thing, separate them out through the term. If you put them all in one lesson it will feel like a lot for you and your students. 

        New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

        New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers #4:

        Work and stress less

        This is way easier said than done. I can be a huge stresser and I also can be a workaholic. So how do you actually put this into practice?

        The tips from #2 will help along with these ones:

            • Set clear boundaries. For me, this matters more mentally than with the physical workload. I would often stress about my students’ wellbeing or things going on for them. By setting myself boundaries of when I am allowed to think about it and when I have to switch off is helpful.
            • Being organised and using a diary where you write in important dates and reminders will help keep those things off your mind and you can trust yourself that you have it covered. 
            • Having some helpful sayings to say to yourself when you are feeling stressed is actually more helpful than it sounds. Here are some of my favorites: 
                • “I can’t do anything about it right now so there is no point thinking about it right now”, 
                • “I can only do what I can do”, 
                • “students survived for decades with purely textbook driven lessons – a one off wont hurt them”

          New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers #5:

          Make my mental health a priority

          As teachers, we are often wired to put our students first. It can be difficult and often feels selfish to prioritise our own needs and mental health.

          However, this is an important resolution to make as it will make you a better teacher, partner, parent, and friend. 

          How can we do this as teachers?

              • Get a hobby, or book in for a class that you are required to show up for each week e.g. ceramics, woodworking (my favorite!), painting, dancing, etc.
              • Schedule regular exercise into your week – something you actually enjoy doing
              • Eat a healthy lunch (for 33 easy teacher lunch ideas click here)
              • Take time to reflect and check in on yourself mentally
              • Schedule in time for friends and extended family (either physically or just a proper phone call)


          New Year’s Resolutions for teachers can be a really great way to start the year on a track that leads you to a happier life. But it is also important that you have a game plan of how you will make that resolution a reality and stay consistent with it throughout the year.


          If you made a New Year’s Resolution please comment below to keep yourself accountable!

          FREE back to school resources

          New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

          the animated teacher photo logo

          Written by Katrina

          Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.

          New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers


          8 FREE Back to school resources for science teachers

          8 FREE Back to school resources for science teachers

          8 FREE Back to school resources for science teachers

          So, you’re headed back to school, and the anxiety starts to creep in… there is so much to do, new students to get to know, an element of the unknown and the stress of trying to get back into a routine after being able to relax over the summer. 

          Let me help you!

          This post includes 8 FREE back to school resources for science teachers! These resources will save you time and money and help you feel organised as you start the school year. 

          FREE back to school resources for science teachers

          Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘FREE back to school resources for science teachers’, may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here.

          FREE back to school resources

          for science teachers

          1. Meet the teacher template

          I love to introduce myself to my students and also their parents using this editable template. It is important to start the year off with a positive first impression while also outlining expectations for the year. This also ensures your first encounter with parents is a positive one that you have orchestrated. Just this simple page either sent or emailed home is a great way to engage with parents and present what you want them to know about you.

          meet the teacher handout template
          1. Lesson Introduction Slides

          Lesson Introduction Slides is a great way to build routine in your classroom and ensure important information is communicated to students. Using an attractive template like these will bring an extra element of design to your classroom that students will notice. 


          1. All about me in science bunting 

          Helping your students have a sense of ownership over the lab is important. Not only will it help them feel safe, but it also helps with them keeping the room tidy and cleaning up after experiments.

          This ‘All about me in Science’ bunting is a great way to get to know your students, decorate your classroom, and help students feel that they belong there. 

          FREE back to school resources

          lesson intro slides free
          all about me science bunting
          1.  Science Variables Posters

          Ah those pesky variables! Why is it so hard to get these to stick in students’ heads?!

          I’ve found having a visual aid to refer to regularly in class to be invaluable. These Science Variables Posters are perfect for adding to your classroom while also adding to your lab decor! I like to print them in A3 size. FR

          If you like these variables posters you may also like my 21 lab safety posters for your lab too! 

          FREE back to school resources for science teachers

          science variables posters free
          1. Science experimental report templates

          Planning science experiments and having students write experimental reports can be a painstakingly slow process. Help scaffold this for students with these scientific report templates. 

          1. Note-taking template for students

          I love using note-taking templates like these for when I’m doing a mini-lecture, watching a video, or doing information station activities. There are multiple templates included so students can choose one that makes sense to them and how their brain works! 

          1. Lesson finishers

          Got 5 minutes at the end of the lesson and don’t know what to do?

          These lesson finishers are excellent! Either have the whole class do them or just early finishers. There are plenty to choose from so you are never left short-handed. 

          FREE back to school resources 

          1. Back-to-school checklist

          Have you checked out this back-to-school checklist? It contains helpful things to do before school starts back, things to purchase and things to brush up on prior to your return. 


          I hope these FREE back to school resources for science teachers help make your first weeks easier as you return to school!

          Which one is your favorite FREEBIE? Please comment below!

          Check out my other back to school resources here including lab safety posters, lab equipment escape room, lab safety contract and lesson.

          FREE back to school resources

          Best back to school checklist for teachers 2022

          the animated teacher photo logo

          Written by Katrina

          Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.

          Easy lunch ideas for teachers


          Christmas Science Activities – 3 easy last minute ideas

          Christmas Science Activities – 3 easy last minute ideas

          Christmas Science Activities – 3 easy last minute ideas

          Christmas is such a fun time to celebrate. But heading towards the end of the year, it can be tough to keep students engaged in the classroom. Even harder because we are also ready to wind down for the Christmas break!

          But don’t worry! I’ve got your back.

          Here are 3 of my favourite last minute Christmas Science Activities for less than $5!

          Christmas science activities blog

          Disclaimer: This blog post, ‘Christmas Science Activities – 3 easy last minute ideas’, may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here.New Science Teacher Advice

          Christmas Science Activities for

          Middle School

          1. Christmas “chemis-tree” Bauble 

          These chemis-tree baubles are perfect for helping students summarise their learning and understanding. While I like to call them ‘chemis-tree’ baubles, you can actually use the same concept for any topic or subject.

          All you have to do is have students cut some circles, write down a key word on each circle and fill it with everything they know about that key word. 

          Then, students fold them all in half and glue them together to make the bauble.

          If you want one specifically for the periodic table then follow this link. 

          Or sign up to my email list below to get my FREE template you can use for any subject or topic. 

          Christmas bauble activity

          Enter your email address here and I'll send you my template for the Christmas baubles FREE.

            By subscribing you agree to receive emails from The Animated Teacher.

            We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

            2. Digital escape rooms

            Digital escape rooms are my absolute favorite resource to use in my class. They are engaging for students and promote problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and collaboration. They are also no-prep for you as they are self-marked and also come with a full set of teacher answers in case students need help along the way. 

            Here are some great digital escape rooms for middle school science that you can use regardless of what topic you are up to:

            Christmas Science Activities Digital Escape Rooms

            See my other digital escape rooms here.

            What is needed to access the digital escape room?

            Students just need access to a device with internet access. While the escape room uses a Google Form, students are not required to sign in so they don’t need an account to play. It is designed to be zero prep for you – just share the link with students and away they go!

            What does the digital escape room consist of?

            The activity contains a set of tasks students must complete in order to ‘escape’.

            Answers are entered into a Google Form (provided). The task cards are included digitally within the Google Form, but a pdf version of the task cards and answers is also included for you.

            Why use science digital escape rooms?

            1. It is zero prep! Just share the link with students and away they go!
            2. It is a fun and engaging way for students to review content.
            3. It builds student skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration.
            4. It can be used in a wide range of environments including in the classroom, online learning, homeschooling, and distance education.
            5. It is self-marking.
            6. Full teacher answers included.

            3. Two-player racing quiz

            2-player racing games are an awesome way to engage students and revise content and key terms. You can build them yourself in Google sheets or purchase them for a few dollars.

            This bundle includes 3 racing games on the scientific method and branches of science in Christmas themes including reindeers, snowmen and gingerbread men.

            Christmas Science Activities

            meet the teacher handout template

            Why use Christmas Science Activities 2-player race games?

            1. They are zero prep! Just share the link with students and away they go!

            2. They are self-marking which means no marking for you and immediate feedback for students.

            3. They are fun and engaging for students.

            4. They can be used in many environments, including in the classroom, online learning, homeschooling, and distance education.

            5. Full teacher answers included.


            What is needed to access the science Christmas activity 2-player game?

            Students need access to a device with internet access and a Google account (students can get a Google account for free).  The 2-player game uses a Google Sheet, so it will ask students to log in to save the activity to their Google Drive.


            What does this science Christmas activity bundle consist of?

            The activity contains 3 different 2-player games in Thanksgiving themes.

            1. Reindeer – This includes key terms and vocabulary related to the Scientific Method
            2. Snowman –  This includes key terms and vocabulary related to the Scientific Method (note: these are different terms to the Reindeer quiz)
            3. Gingerbread man – This includes the branches of science and the titles of job roles in scientific fields

            Each game contains a set of definitions or descriptions and students must fill in the key term for each one. Each correct answer (in any order) will move their image upwards. The player who answers all questions correctly first and gets their thanksgiving character to the top, wins. 

            Christmas Science Activities


            Preparing middle school Christmas Science Activities doesn’t have to be an onerous task. Just grab one of the above resources and watch your students engage and have fun this Christmas!

            Christmas Science Activities 

            the animated teacher photo logo

            Written by Katrina

            Katrina Harte is a multi-award winning educator from Sydney, Australia who specialises in creating resources that support teachers and engage students.
