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1. Throw a ball
Have students throw a ball to each other to answer questions. Once answered they choose who in the class they want to answer the next one by throwing the ball to them.
2. Collect materials from stations around the room
Rather than you handing out materials to students, have them collect from stations around the room. If my lesson involves worksheets, glue and scissors, then I have these in three different locations in the room to allow for extra movement during the lesson.
3. Rearrangement of collaborative groups
Having multiple grouping options means you can start the lesson with students in one group and then change groups which allows for them to move around and change seats.
4. Change locations
If you have the opportunity, consider taking your students outside for a portion of the lesson, or to another area of the school.
5. Convert a worksheet into a movement activity
Take an existing resource and change the way you use it. These are some of my favourite brain break ideas for middle school because they require minimal prep and obtain high engagement from students. Here are some ideas:
6. Post-it notes
I love using post-it notes in my lessons. Have students write their question / answer / drawing on it and then ask them to post it on the board or another area in the classroom they have to walk to.
7. Gallery walk
Gallery walks are an opportunity for students to walk around and view each other’s work. Whether it is their individual work or an activity you have just completed in groups, this activity is no prep for you and allows for students to move around the classroom with purpose.
8. Seat swap
Mid lesson you could ask students to do a seat swap with someone. It may be that they swap with another student or that they move from sitting on chairs to the floor or to standing at lab benches.
9. Learning station brain breaks
Learning stations or activity stations are my favourite way to set up a lesson. These organically allow for movement around the classroom as students move from one station to another. As I am a science teacher and work in a lab, these stations are also usually standing stations. This also allows for more movement than just sitting in seats.
10. Invite students to come and write up on the board
Students at all ages love to write on the board! Invite them to contribute to a class mind map, add their vote to a tally or write any questions they still have.
Why is discussion important for brain breaks and learning? Because students learn best when they hear their learning in their own voice.
Here are some ideas and prompts you can use to promote peer to peer discussion in your classroom that require no prep from you! At any point in the lesson when you think your students need a brain break you can use any of these!
In partners or small groups, share:
7. Similar to the above brain break idea, ‘would you rather’:
8. Peer teaching: take a small group of students and teach them new content then have them go back and teach their group.
Want some brain break ideas for middle school that combine both movement and discussion? I have you covered.
1. Take 15 steps and find someone to tell 2 things you learnt
I use this one so often because it is easy, requires no prep, and is relevant no matter the content you are teaching.
2. Play scissors, paper, rock
Great simple game for revision of content. Whoever wins gets to ask the other a question related to the content. Students don’t even have to stay in the same pair. This could involve one round then find a new person to play.
3. Jigsaw model
This model requires students to change groups and peer teach.
4. Quizlet Live
Quizlet Live automatically assigns groups to revise content in a collaborative way. Each round changes the groups so students have to move to sit with their new group.
5. Inner & outer circle discussion
Students organise themselves into two circles and pair up with someone in the other circle. Ask a question or provide a discussion statement for students to discuss in their pair. After the allocated time, the outside circle moves to the right 1 position and so is paired with a new partner for the next question.
Planning brain breaks in your lessons does not have to be onerous. This list includes brain break ideas for middle school that are low-prep, easy to implement, and incorporate movement and discussion to assist students in their learning.
Have any of your own examples of break break ideas for middle school?
Let us know in the comments below!
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You’ve just landed your first teaching job. Congratulations! But now what? Where do you start? You start here! You have come to the right place! As a teacher with over 10 years experience, I am going to give you 33 top tips for beginning teachers to ensure you survive and thrive in your first years as a teacher.
These tips cover lesson planning, time saving hacks, classroom and behaviour management, building relationships and mental health.
So grab a coffee, sit back and relax while I help make your job easier with these top tips for beginning teachers!
Using food dye and water is a great way for students to visualise the formation of a dynamic equilibrium. Start with two large containers (or beakers) and label one as reactants and the other as products. In the lab using beakers is great as it is easy to measure the amount of reactants and products being transferred each ‘round’. At home you could use small measuring cups or measuring jugs.
If you prefer to watch a video then the following video will demonstrate the model I am about to explain.
Method overview
Fill each of the containers with the same amount of water and colour each with different colours of food dye. Only add a couple of drops of food dye as you want to be able to observe the colour changes which is easier when they aren’t too dark. Also make sure you use colours that are easy to see a colour change. I like red and blue to make purple, but blue and yellow to make green would also work well.
Then choose two smaller containers of different sizes. Choose one that will represent the rate of the forward reaction, and the other will represent the rate of the reverse reaction.
Each round you are going to fill the ‘forward’ container with the reactants and then tip it into the products container. Then fill the ‘reverse’ container with the products and tip it into the reactants container. Repeat the rounds until you feel you have observed equilibrium – that is, when the rate of the forward and reverse reaction are equal. You can check this by measuring the liquid or just by sight. This is also a good opportunity to discuss observations about the colour of the system and limitations of the model.
Other alternatives to try:
If you’re looking for peak engagement in the classroom then look no further than the chocolate aisle! This activity will help students understand equilibrium reactions and also help them to demonstrate an equilibrium reaction on a graph.
NOTE: Be careful with food allergies and ensure you follow your school’s protocols for food in the classroom. If you are unable to use chocolate or lollies for this activity, counters or paper is a good alternative.
Get a student friendly printable version here
Method overview
For this activity fold an A4 piece of paper in half and write reactants on one side and products on the other.
Count out 60 m&ms and place them all on the reactants side of the paper. Decide on a rate for the forward and reverse reactions. For example, the rate of the forward reaction as 0.25 and the reverse reaction as 0.5. For each round transfer the amount of m&ms from one side to the other. So, round #1 you would transfer a quarter of the reactant m&ms to the product side. Since there are currently no products, none would be transferred back to the reactants.
Round #2 you would again transfer a quarter of the reactant m&ms and a half of the product m&ms back again. Repeat rounds until you reach equilibrium (where the number of m&ms being transferred each time is equal).
Have students graph their results by using a different coloured pen for the reactants and products. Help them to identify on their graph where equilibrium was established.
Other alternatives to try:
This is my favourite one! I have found that students struggle most when trying to interpret graphs that show multiple disturbances to equilibrium. This activity is a great introduction to these as it helps them to create their own graph that depicts a disturbance that they initiated.
Get a student friendly printable version here
Start using the exact same activity as above until equilibrium has been established and remained constant for three rounds. Then count out another 20 m&ms. Add these to the reactants side of the page.
Note: When recording the number of reactants and products for each round ensure the addition of the extra m&ms is added to the last round so that on the graph a vertical line would be drawn.
Students continue with the same rate of reaction as before and continue until a new equilibrium is reached.
Other alternatives to try:
Chemistry is a difficult subject to teach as it involves understanding what happens at a molecular level. This is often difficult as we are asking students to understand what they cannot see.
These experiments assist students in developing their understanding by allowing them to observe disturbances in equilibrium and the formation of a new equilibrium.
If you are teaching online or don’t have access to a laboratory then check out my video here! In this video I demonstrate each of the following reactions so students can observe them.
Disclaimer: You are responsible for following your own school’s laboratory safety rules and guidelines including which chemicals your students are able to use in the classroom. You may decide to use these as demonstrations. The Animated Teacher is not responsible for any outcome or injury acquired from doing these experiments.
Nitrogen dioxide gas forms an equilibrium in a closed system with dinitrogen tetroxide. The nitrogen dioxide molecules react to form dinitrogen tetroxide at the same rate that the dinitrogen tetroxide decomposes into nitrogen dioxide.
Nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas while the dinitrogen tetroxide is a colourless gas. When equilibrium is established the system will be a light brown colour due to the combination of both molecules being present. The differing colours in the gases make them excellent for modelling equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s principle as we can see the colour change throughout the process.
To make the nitrogen dioxide gas, add concentrated nitric acid to pieces of copper metal in a conical flask. Collect the gas in 3 sealable tubes of the same size. NOTE: make sure this is done in a fume cupboard as nitrogen dioxide gas is highly toxic when inhaled.
In this demonstration we can stress the system by changing the temperature of the vessel and therefore observe a shift in equilibrium. We can do this by adding one of the tubes to a hot water bath, one to a cold water bath, and keeping one at room temperature for comparison.
Since this reaction is exothermic, if we add heat to the system we would expect the equilibrium to shift to the left, away from the heat and towards the nitrogen dioxide. Therefore, we expect the colour of the system to darken with more of the brown gas (NO2) being produced. If we remove heat from the system we expect the equilibrium to shift to the right and produce more dinitrogen tetroxide. Therefore we expect a lightening of the brown gas as more of the colourless gas is produced.
Another alternative is using the reaction between cobalt chloride with hydrochloric acid. This reaction also allows for a clear example of modelling equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s principle due to the varying colours of the reactants and products.
Similarly to above, by putting the system in a hot water bath and a cold water bath, a colour change will be observed showing the shifting of equilibrium.
Using the same method as above create nitrogen dioxide and collect in a syringe. Seal the end really well with blutac. NOTE: This experiment should also be performed in a fume cupboard.
2NO2(g) ⇋ N2O4(g)
Once the system has reached equilibrium increase the pressure on the system by compressing the syringe. Leave for a few minutes to allow for the system to reach equilibrium again.
With an increase in pressure, the system will shift to the side with less moles of gas. In this instance, to the right. Since it shifts to create more dinitrogen tetroxide, the colour should decrease.
Then decrease the pressure on the system by increasing the volume of the syringe. Again leave for a few minutes for the system to reach equilibrium again.
With a decrease in pressure, the system will shift to the side with more moles of gas in order to counteract the stress. Therefore, in this system, it will shift to the left to create more nitrogen dioxide. Hence, you should expect to see an increase in the brown colour as nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas.
This is my all time favourite experiment for modelling equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s principle!
Method overview
Dissolve 5g of glucose in a little bit of hot water. Then add 10mL of sodium hydroxide to the glucose solution.
Next, in a clean flask, dissolve a few granules of indigo carmine indicator in hot water. The solution should be a deep blue. Note: add the indicator gradually – if you add too much it will be too dark to see the colour changes clearly.
Now add the glucose solution to the indigo carmine flask. Seal and leave for a few minutes to establish equilibrium.
Now it’s time to disturb it! Shake the flask! This causes more oxygen to dissolve into the solution and oxidise the indigo carmine. The more it is shaken the more oxidised the indicator becomes. If you then leave it to settle you will see the colours change back as equilibrium is established again.
Modelling equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s principle is so worthwhile in helping students really understand the concepts. Using fun activities that involve chocolate is always a win!
Have you tried any of these? Let me know how it went in the comments below!
Visit my store to access my resources related to Le Chatelier’s principle here.
In our world of differentiating learning opportunities for students, it can often seem like an afterthought to differentiate professional development for teachers. For all the good intentions and hours of preparation that educational leaders dedicate to preparing and delivering professional development for their colleagues, the value is diminished due to the lack of differentiation. As an experienced high school Chemistry teacher, I have very little in common with a beginning Kindergarten teacher, and yet, I’ve often found myself listening to the same presentation.
What if there is a better way? A way to provide professional development that is engaging and accessible to all teachers while also modelling best practice? There is!
So, grab a coffee and sit back and relax while I give you 11 ways to differentiate professional development opportunities for teachers that they will appreciate.
Disclaimer: This blog post may contain affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here.
According to Carol Ann Tomlinson (2010), differentiation involves the proactive planning of learning opportunities to ensure the learning is accessible to all. In an educational professional development setting it often feels as though there isn’t a lot of actual learning happening. Why? Because not enough proactive planning has gone into finding out where teachers are at and how they would engage best.
So, what does this mean for professional development opportunities?
Differentiation can be done in four main ways: differentiating the content, product, process or environment.
See my blog post ‘53 EASY differentiation strategies for the classroom’ for a more extensive explanation.
Here is a list of 11 easy ways to differentiate professional development for teachers that looks at different options for the above categories of differentiation.
If you want teachers to ‘buy in’ to the professional development then they also need to feel heard. Survey your staff to find out what topics or areas they are seeking development or support in. Use this to inform the types of opportunities you offer during professional development. But also be warned – don’t bother surveying the staff if their answers are going to be disregarded.
Here are some ideas for what you could ask your teachers for input:
There is a whole wealth of expertise and knowledge found in your school already. Utilise this! Here are a few ways to make the most of the staff expertise within your school:
Stations offer choice in both the order of the session and which sessions to complete. Some fun ways to do this could be:
Give teachers the option to choose who they work with throughout the session. This could be individually, with a partner, within faculty groups or across subject areas. It is important that teachers have the opportunity to work in a way that suits them and the opportunity to collaborate with people who they connect with.
Part of differentiation is ensuring the needs of the learner are met and that the learning takes into account their current level of expertise. For example, if a session was to be run on differentiation, allow for different entry levels:
The environment in which the learning takes place can also be differentiated. This can be as simple as allowing teachers to choose their own seating arrangement, or setting up the different learning options in various locations. Have you ever considered running some PD in a cafe or outside rather than inside?
Lesson observations – where teachers go and observe a colleagues lesson – is an excellent opportunity for professional development. Allow them choice as to which teachers / subject / year level they want to observe!
Often we want to see some kind of product or reflection following professional development. Allow teachers to create or reflect in a way that makes sense to them. A teacher could reflect using voice recording, a mind map, a short video, a picture, flowchart, or collage of images. Don’t insist on every teacher filling out the exact same Google form.
The jigsaw model requires two different groupings. First, teachers split into small groups where they learn about a particular strategy / resource / topic and become the ‘experts’ in that area. Then they form a second group which has one ‘expert’ from different original groups. Each teacher takes turns in sharing / teaching the group about their expert strategy. This includes differentiation as teachers can choose the area they would like to become the expert in and also choose how they present this information back to their group. You can read more about this strategy here.
With so many resources and technologies available at our fingertips it always surprises me that these options aren’t often utilised during professional development. Sure the odd funny video is shown at the start to ‘engage’ the audience, but that’s about it. Why not give teachers the choice as to how to receive the information? Provide a range of options such as videos, podcasts, webinars, journal articles, books. You don’t need to create all of them – just find them!
I’m going to say it… There is very little value in whole staff professional development. Why? Because we all teach in a niche area. Whether it be the subject area or the grade level. While there are some opportunities for whole staff professional development, most would be more effective if it was focussed on a teachers’ specific grade or subject. For example, Science teachers and PDHPE teachers may benefit from sessions on ‘how to maintain control amidst the chaos’ (seriously!) while English and Mathematics teachers may benefit more from a session on ‘how to deal with overzealous parents’.
In addition to this, it is also important to provide teachers with professional development that extends their knowledge in their subject specific area. It is important that teachers remain experts in their subject. Unfortunately, the demands of the profession mean that teachers are left with no time to spend staying up to date with current information unless educational leaders make it a priority to include it in professional development days.
Differentiation is just as important for teachers as it is for students if we want to give them the best opportunities to develop professionally and enjoy it! Differentiating professional development for teachers is essential if you want your staff to feel valued and to develop in their teaching practice.
Which of these methods are you implementing in your upcoming professional development?
Do you have any other strategies? Comment below!
This list of teacher must haves for the classroom will help bring the fun back into teaching!
This is not your usual list of boring things we all know you need. This list is not full of things like ‘sharpened pencils’, ‘desk organiser’, or ‘paper clips’. This is the list you want to make your classroom more fun, more engaging and more manageable! This is the list that will get you excited about the opportunities you could create in your classroom.
Have I got your attention? Good!
Grab a coffee and start adding these to your Amazon wish list!
Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. This is of no extra cost to you and it helps me to continue writing awesome content for you! Read full disclaimer here.
I know a lot of teachers like to use the timer on their device but I often have about 10 things running on mine at once so anything I can easily move to another device or gadget I grab immediately!
Personally I use a super simple timer like this one, but while I was having a look around I saw this traffic light timer which has to be the holy grail of timers! If it was within my budget I would absolutely grab this. This would be perfect for students who need a visual cue or need time to wind down an activity. All three colours can be programmed to have the amount of time that suits you. As a science teacher this would be amazing for helping my students with time management for experiments and packing up time. I’m definitely adding it to my wish list and it deserves the number 1 spot on my ‘9 teacher must haves for the classroom’ list!
My classroom can get very loud. VERY loud. Particularly in a science lab when there are kids doing hands-on activities. This doorbell has saved my poor throat from having to yell over the chaos! When I need to get my students attention or it is time to pack up I just ring the doorbell. It is life changing! If you move from room to room then just take it with you – it doesn’t have to be secured in one spot in the room.
These answer buzzers are so fun to have in the classroom for quick quizzes, games and revision. I bought two sets so I can have 8 groups in my class playing at once. Use them however you want! Students can’t help themselves – they just want to press the button!
These are so worth investing in. The range of activities you can utilise using mini whiteboards is endless and the students absolutely love them.
I use mini whiteboards for student practice, quick informal assessment, working out, group activities and mind maps. When I asked my students why they like them so much they said they love that you can rub it out so they were more willing to take a chance as the ‘mistakes’ don’t seem so permanent.
This pack comes with mini dry erasers and white board markers to go with them!
If you have a morning meeting or home-group / roll call group then these Morning Meeting Chips are a must have. I always dreaded having to think of something to fill such a short amount of time every day. I didn’t want the time to go to waste but it was also difficult to think of something quick but still meaningful. These will save you so much prep time. Just grab one each day and have a student read it out. Let them Think, Pair, Share. Done!
Jenga is such a fun game! But have you ever thought of the ways it can be used in the classroom? Whether it be the iconic jenga or these coloured blocks (my personal fave), using them in the classroom can take a normal quiz or activity to a more engaging level.
For example, instead of having students answer revision question cards, turn it into a game where students only get a turn to move a jenga piece if they get the answer correct. Person with the most blocks by the time the jenga falls, wins!
There were so many times in my first year teaching that I went to draw up a diagram on the board and realised I definitely didn’t have enough colours or the right colours to do it justice. This pack of whiteboard markers has 15 colours and they are magnetic!
My preference is also to have markers that are more fine tipped as I often invite students to come and write up on the board. They seem to find it easier to write with the finer tipped pens than the thicker ones.
If your school is anything like mine then you will have restrictions on how many holes you can drill into the walls for your displays. This double sided removable and reusable tape is perfect for helping you create the classroom you’ve always dreamed of without ruining the walls.
It is pretty standard that school classroom lights are fluorescent even though this type of lighting can cause headaches and strain the eyes. These fluorescent light coverings are excellent for limiting the harshness of the light while also adding a pop of colour to your ceiling.
We all know there are things teachers cannot live without in their classrooms. So I wanted to put together this list of the less conventional teacher must haves, but the ones that I have found to make the biggest difference in my classroom.
Share this list of teacher must haves for the classroom with your teacher bestie!
Do you have any teacher must haves for the classroom?
Have you tried any from this list?
Please comment below!