
Last updated: November 04, 2021


Website disclaimer

The information provided on www.theanimatedteacherblog.com is for general information purposes only. The information provided by us is provided in good faith to support teachers and educational professionals. It does not constitute professional advice and we will have no liability to you, nor be held responsible for any unfavourable outcomes as a result of implementing any of the ideas, advice or information communicated on this website. The use of any information on this website is done so at your own risk.


Opinions disclaimer

The opinions expressed on this website are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer. 

As I am continually learning and growing myself, it is possible that my opinions may change over time. I hold the right to change my mind and to develop my understanding and opinions of all matters related to this website. 

I am not responsible for the opinions or comments made by others on this blog. I reserve the right to delete any comments that are derogatory or offensive in nature. I reserve the right to delete any comments as I see fit. 

If you follow any advice from this website we are not liable for whatever may happen as a result.

External links disclaimer

This website may contain embedded content from third party sites, or links that will take you to third party sites. These sites are not monitored by us and we hold no responsibility for the reliability, accuracy, or validity of the information shared by those sites nor do we have any responsibility for warrantees or guarantees made by those sites. Each of those sites may have their own disclaimers, terms and conditions, and privacy policies which you are encouraged to read and check yourself.


Affiliate links disclaimer

This site may contain links to affiliate sites. We may receive a small commission from purchases made from our affiliate link. This does not increase the cost to you and it helps to support this service so our blog can continue. Our affiliates include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Amazon: as an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.
  • Ebay
  • Etsy
  • Timesavers for Teachers
  • Living life and learning
  • Tubebuddy

Other links

Other links included in our website may be to products and resources designed by us, but hosted on a different platform. These platforms include, but are not limited to:

  • Teachers Pay Teachers
  • Amped Up Learning  
  • Youtube

These sites have their own terms and conditions and privacy policies which we encourage to read and ensure you understand before using external sites.

While this service may contain affiliate links, we do not offer any endorsements for any products and we do not suggest that every reader purchase every item mentioned. It is up to you to decide whether each suggestion is a good fit for you.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, you can contact us by email:

  • katrina@theanimatedteacherblog.com