Education Blog
An education blog designed to help teachers in their teaching journey by sharing teaching tips, engaging activities and ideas.
Teacher Resources
Link to teacher resources suitable for middle and high school teachers. Click now for engaging activities including (my favourite) digitial escape rooms!
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On-demand online Professional Development for teachers that counts towards your PD hours.
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25 Best science thanksgiving activities for middle school
Get into the Thanksgiving holiday season with your science class with these fun science thanksgiving activities, experiments and stem challenges.

10 easy differentiation ideas using AI tools for teachers
Trying to differentiate different learning experiences for your students can be an overwhelming endeavour with everything else on your plate! AI-powered platforms such as Google’s Gemini AI or ChatGPT, can make differentiation easy by helping generate content for resources or coming up with different approaches and new ideas for how to make learning accessible for each individual student. Let me save you time with these easy differentiation ideas using AI tools for teachers!